Tuesday, December 15

Merry Christmas!

So if you were to get a Christmas letter from us this is what it would read......

Ahhh….Well it is that time of year again. You know, when you get all the boring Christmas letters. That updates you on the happenings of the writer and their family. Well my friends this is NOT one of those. Well maybe it is. But it is far from boring!

What has happened in the past year with us Erdmanczyk’s you might ask. For starters we are no longer communal livers. That is right we bought us our first home. And it is just us. Nobody else. Thank God!!! I wish I had a picture of it to share with you but I don’t. (I could go out and take one but as I type we are getting about a foot of snow. And well I don’t like snow and I am not going to go out there in it.)

Well Seth and I have now been married for 5 years! Short time for some of you oldies but to us that is long. And we are excited for the next five and the next five and the next five……(I’m sure you get the idea) Seth is still working for the City. We are very thankful for that, the city made some cuts and so it was a little stressful for a short bit. I am still staying home with the hoodlums boys. I do still work at the hospital in town answering the phones. Some day I will stay home and never work!(that is the goal we are trying to achieve in the near future.)

Ike is now 4! I am still not sure how that happened! He loves our house and the play set in the back yard. He is all excited about this foot of snow we are getting cuz he wants to go build a snow man. He is not doing preschool this year but will next year. Ike does however love “school”. We often do worksheets or “school” like things with him. We know our letters like nobodies business. Now to just learn our numbers that well.

Quilon aka Q is 17 months. He is a beast! In more ways than one. He is a big boy(the size of all our 2+ year old friends), loves to eat, loves to wrestle, and climb on EVERYTHING! There are some days that I don’t know how I am going to handle this kid. He is into everything at all times. But then he makes up for his craziness when he snuggles. We still snuggle together every day. I will miss that when/if he out grows it.

Well that is what is new here at our house. Hope I didn’t bore you too much.

We do hope that you have a very Blessed Christmas!!

If you were to get a Christmas picture this is what it would look like.....

I'm pretty sure that all of you who read this blog(which isn't many and mostly family I am sure) will be receiving all this in the mail. So I guess you won't really need to open it. Which then means I really didn't need to send it out. But there you have it.

Merry Christmas!