Sunday, June 28

Hello Death.....

Wow! That is all I can say.....Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett, Michael Jackson then Billy Mays!
What the junk.

The first two I don't know much about but Michael and Billy. OH MY!!!


What more do you say than that.

Yes Michael in his later years was a bit on the crazy side. Do I agree with his actions....NO!
But have I forgoten what great things he did for music or dance for that matter....NO!
How can you?
Some say that the bad out weighs his good.
I am not the one who got to do his JUDGING
GOD did.

I wasn't there when all the crazy stories cam out about him.
What I do know, is that he at one point was amazing.
I enjoy many of is songs. He was a true Artist!

Now to Billy.

Mr. Yeller

But oh how I enjoyed his show Pitchman on Discovery.
He was one of the best Pitchmen in the Industry.

Yes he yelled to sell products.

It worked!

Two great entertainers gone

Wednesday, June 17

Auntie Raychel

This is my sister, Melissa, and her hubby Bobby. And they are going to have a BABY!!!!! I can't wait....I am so excited that MY sister is going to have a baby! Oh what joys! I can't wait!!!!!!

Sunday, June 14

Don't let this cute little face fool you.....

I think that my 3 year old toddler is turning into a monster. What have I done? I try to teach him good things. But he is only learning bad things. AHHHHH!!!!

I don't know what to do with him these days. He is like a puppy that is couped up all day.

But the thing is Ikers isn't couped up ever. He is just all of a sudden so hyper and full of energy and I don't think he knows what to do with it all. So he decides to act out.


He thinks that pulling/pushing his little brother to the floor is a great new game. Or just stepping on him. Well Quilon most times isn't to fond of Ikes new way of playing. Ike thinks that it is really fun to yank any and every little thing that Quilon finds exploring out of his fat little hands. And the hitting!!! Ike has all a sudden decided that he can hit.


Little does Ikers know that someday Quilon is going to beat the snot out of him. And that day where Q will be able to beat his big brother up is coming fast.

I just wish my Ikers was still nice and sweet. Where did that child go to?

I want him back!


Today as Seth got the mail I asked him if there was a check in there. Something I often ask really hoping that one will be there.
And do you know what?!?!?! Today there was!!!!
I was SO surprised and excited.
And the best part is that it is an actual real check. Not some scam check.
No what shall I do with this new unexpected money???
Something a tattoo that I have been wanting
Something boring....groceries or a needed weed whacker
Oh the choices that I must make.
They are just so hard sometimes!!!!

Wednesday, June 3

Mr. Blue Eyes

I always wanted a blue eyed, blonde hair,
tanned baby boy.
Well I have got him.

I mean just look at those eyes!!!
He is so sweet.

And his little farmers tan from his shorts
and t-shirts is the cutest.
Everyday we are outside and every day his hair
is lighter and lighter.

I do sometimes forget the sun block,
I know I know I am a bad mother.
Well I also let him sleep on his belly and
used blankets!!! Ahhh.....and guess what????
He has lived. So I think that he's alright.

I mean look at him....he is just so darn stinkin cute!

Swim Time

The time has children live in there swim trunks!!!
I just LOVE it.
And there friends get to come and be in there swim su
its too....