Wow!! Time has gone by fast...seeing how I haven't blogged for ages.
Well I am almost 18 weeks pregnant now. We get to find out what I am brewing next Monday!!! We are going to take the boys with us as well as Seth's mom. Rosetta has never had the chance of going to see an ultrasound so we figured it would be great. We are all pretty excited about going....well Q could care less. He has no clue what is going on.
So what's new in my world....not to much. We have been trying to enjoy the outside as much as possible, the boys love it! Ike is anxiously waiting for it to get warm enough for the pool to be dragged out. For now all he gets is the water table. Ike has begun a new obsession with Teddy his bear. Ever since Ike learned of me being pregnant he cares for Teddy like it is his son. Sometimes Teddy is a baby and wears a diaper wears a bib and uses a sippy cup. He also has begun taking Teddy on many adventures.
Ike reading to Teddy
Teddy going on a motorcycle ride
Q on the other hand is my little monster....literally. I am constantly having to chase after him. He thinks for some reason the front of the house is a better place to play/run away. When he is doing something naughty he turns and looks at me and gives me this grin. It is partly evil and partly the cutest thing ever. I would like the just shake that little grin off his face. It is a great thing that he is SO cute. He not only runs away from me he has also started to rip all the bedding of his bed each night, escapes out unlocked doors, and has started to bully Ike. (Not that Ike doesn't deserve it at times)
One of the many messes Q has made

Q trying to escape
What else is going on? Well we have all of a sudden gotten very busy. Seth has softball,we are preparing to have a garage sale, been ripping out ugly shrubs, planting new plants,making a new playroom for the boys and fixing up a new room for the coming baby. We have been busy indeed. And I have a feeling we won't be slowing down until fall comes back around. If then even! But we are all enjoying our lives!