Sunday, October 9

I am tired.....

I am tired of BOYS!
Tired of boys who are messy.
Tired of boys who pee ALL over the bathroom.
Tired of boys who don't flush the toilet.
Tired of boys who play in the not flushed toilet.
Tired of boys who fight and hit.
Tired of boys who are covered in dirt.
I am tired of BOYS!

I love boys that have bright blue eyes.
I love boys that have to look for the moon before bed. 
I love boys that say 'I lob you do'.
I love boys that are chunky.
I love boys that need nose rubs.
I love boys that cuddle.

1 comment:

  1. Love it, I hear ya! have a feeling I too, may soon still be the only female in a house of 4 boys:)
    so...have you had a retreat lately? i think it's especially required for moms of boys!
