Today was my first paid day at my new job! To bad it was boring orientation. As boring as it was I did survive it and it did only last for three hours. So I guess that isn't to bad. The bad part is that I have to take 15 online courses/test by Wednesday! Do they not know that I am a mom of two crazy boys that take all my time and attention!!! Obviously not.
I mean I do get some time in the evenings or whenever Seth is home. I know I will get it done and what not but I was like WHOA!
I officially start on Wednesday. My supervisor is really great for letting me be very picky about when I can work. I am only able to go in whenever Seth will be home with the boys. We were going to send the kids to our old day care moms house, however she is pregnant and has been really sick. So she can't take my kids. But thankfully my boss is really flexible.
I hope that I will like my new very part time job. We will see come Wednesday!