This is my me time. A place for me to share and vent about my life.
Tuesday, October 7
Weekend Away
This weekend Seth and I drove out to Michigan to get our boys from my parents. It was so good to spend time with my family! But every time that we go out there we cram so many things into a short time. This time we went to a real high school football game, had a wedding shower for my sister, went to a movie, had Quilon dedicated, had people over and shopped of course.
Friday night we went to a real High School Football game. We don't have those here in Winona. The band actually preforms every week and are always dressed to preform every week, not just for homecoming. This isn't the best picture but I am sure you get it. The school also had cheerleaders. And they cheered!
This is my sister Melissa and her hubby to be Bobby. They are getting married December 26th and I am so excited for them. Saturday was the wedding shower for them. They got so much stuff it was crazy. But it was such a pretty shower. I was so happy that I was able to be there. I got to see some family and friends that I haven't seen in so long.
Sunday was the baby dedication for Quilon. Ike wanted to make sure that he looked extra cute so he decided to do his hair all by himself. He was given some assistance after he got upset that it wasn't standing. It was so great to see my boys after that long week with out them. I missed them so much. I am glad that we are all home together now.
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