Saturday, March 7

Boxes Boxes Boxes

Wow what a busy busy week we have had. Monday was a thrilling day with the closing of our house and moving day. We were so blessed with having so many friends from our church small group come help us move. They moved everything that we had into our new house that day!!! So we got to sleep in our new house on Monday. It felt so good.

As happy as I am to have my very own place it has been a little stressful. I have moved many times with just Ikers and that was no big deal. However having two little guys is a different story. Ike tries very hard to help out with things which is nice but then there is Q who is getting into everything. He is crawling all over the place too which makes things a little challenging. If he isn't crawling then he is pulling himself up onto stuff then getting upset because he hasn't learned he can just flop right back down on his butt to get down. So needless to say I haven't been able to get as much done as I would have hoped as fast as i hoped.

But do I really need to be in a rush? Why no! I mean it is my very own place now and i can take as long as I want. But that is pretty hard for me seeing that I am overly organized. But I am learning that it is okay to wait and go slow.

We really have gotten lots done already to the house. We have already taken the boarder off in the living room and painted in there. We have gotten all the wallpaper off in the office room. And Seth and his dad started making me a laundry room/closet thing today. And hopefully will be functional tomorrow.

I am just so excited to have my very own home! To do with as I is just such a great feeling.


  1. At least Ike hasn't figured out hide and seek yet. "Ike where's Quilon?" "I hid him" would be an interesting reply.

  2. Ray...must be rough I can only imagine. Two kids brings on a whole new perspective, no one understands unless they have been there. Lately Remy has been a pill, major separation anxiety! It is driving me nuts,but it's a phase and we'll get through it. Good luck with all the decorating!
