Who doesn't love fatty baby thighs? They are just so cute and squishy. How can you not love them?!? You know what's cuter than fatty baby thighs?? Fatty baby thighs covered in BabyLegs of course! I mean just look at them!

I had never heard of BabyLegs until a friend had told me about them. She also told me about the great site too!
So why the BabyLegs you might ask. Well for starters they are just as cute as can be!
They make diaper changes a breeze. And I am going to be potty training this winter. Or more of getting an awareness of the potty. And what an easier yet stylish way of doing it with BabyLegs!
You also might be asking why I am starting so early on the potty training. Well with my first born he just decided that he was ready to potty train before he turned 2. So I really didn't have to do much with Ikers. And i don't think it was supposed to be that easy but it sure was.
So knowing the personality of Quilon I know that potty training is NOT going to be an easy task what so ever! And i figured since I will be home 95% of the time with him why not start teaching him about the bathroom this winter. Now I am not expecting Q to be potty trained by 2 like his older brother pretty much was. (However that would be so nice) But I do want him to have the idea of what he needs to learn to do.
So potty training here we come. And with fatty baby thighs decked out with BabyLegs!