Wednesday, October 21

My Lil' Artist

My Lil' Ikers is my Lil' Artist. If he could (and if I was creative enough) he would do crafts/art projects all day. He is creative and come up with all these crazy ideas to do. Some he is allowed to do others not so much. Yeah maybe I am crushing his imagination but I am keeping him safe. And myself sane.

Well a few weeks ago we went up to The Great Pumpkin Patch with the whole family. Literally. (Me and my 3 boys, Grandparents, Aunt, Uncle and Cousin) And we got some pumpkins of course. Ike got to decide what he wanted to do with his. (He might have had some persuding as to what he should do....just maybe) He decided to paint his.

Look at him so focused and hard at work on his pumpkin. He didn't just paint it.....

Isn't it just so cute?!? My son the artist is so talented if i must say so myself thank you very much