What a week it has been. Never in a million years did I think I would be as emotional as I have been. Why am I emotional you ask. Well I sent two little boys to school this week. Yeah I know just a little while ago I was saying how I couldn't wait to send them off. Well today, or this whole week rather, it has been a different story! I actually cried, not once but twice! The first time was at Ike's orientation day. I almost cried during the orientation but I pulled it together. Then I ran into a friend/teacher at Ike's school and then lost it! Right there in front of the school office. The second time was today. Not after sitting with Ike while he ate breakfast, no. Not after I dropped him off at his classroom for the WHOLE day. No I cried at the doctors office while picking up a form that had to filled out for Q! Really?! The doctors office. Maybe if good ol' Aunt Flo wasn't visiting I would have been able to hold it together this week better than the blubbering whale that I have been. Anyways......

Quilon is now in preschool. He was a little uncertain but once he saw that his cousin Lily was in his class he was fine. He has the same teacher had last year and she said that Q is totally different than big brother. I tried to warn her!
Ike's first day was today. He did so well and loved it so much! I am so happy and a tad sad of course. Ike is my little egger learner. I am sure that he will have an amazing year. Ike is part of the new S.T.E.M. program our district has. S.T.E.M. stands for Science Technology Electronics and Mathematics. I truly feel like this is going to be a great fit for Ike.
I think this is going to be a great year for both my boys and I am so excited to see how the grow/change in the next few years!
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