Sunday, September 4


Sometimes I miss my family. You know the ones that live so far away in Michigan.

I feel like I miss out on so much. Like my niece's 1st Birthday party, Sunday dinners as a family or even going to a football game my brother-in-law helps coach. And they miss out a ton with what the boys have going on. T-Ball games, first day of school, birthday parties, etc.

Sometimes I wish I could just go over to my sister and vent and cry to her in person instead of over the phone. Or to just hang out with her and be overly silly/dumb. Although I am pretty sure our hubbys much prefer us being apart!

If I didn't have texting I would feel totally disconnected from my family. With out technology I wouldn't get pictures as often as I do. And I wouldn't be able to Skype or use FaceTime. But even with all the great technology I still miss my family. It's just not the same as being their in person. Someday I will live close to them or so I hope!

I just miss my family......

1 comment:

  1. I miss you so much! I'm thankful for the technology we have but I seriously wish we were closer together so we could see each other all the time in person! Thanks for being the best sister I ever had :-) I love you!
