Example Number One:

This is a picture of the guy in front of me. You know the ugly Hawaiian shirts? My dad sure does! Well this guy is wearing one similar to those but with airplanes on it! First the Hawaiian shirts with big flowers is bad but one with airplanes is just wrong. But what it gets better with this guy. He is wearing shorts, which isn't bad, but when paired with chicken legs into cowboy boots it so is! I am no fashionista but I know that's not ok. I also found it slightly humorous that this guy was also making friendship bracelets. Umm.....
Example Two:
Next to me is a mom and her teenage daughter. Well lil miss daughter has some short shorts on. She must Nair her legs. (Get it?!? 'Who wears short shorts? We wear short shorts. Nair for short shorts. Ok nevermind) I shouldn't have to see her butt checks falling out of her shorts. So not cool. What is her mother thinking going out with her like that?! I am so glad i have boys....I won't be dealing with that. (If I am we have way more issues than butts hanging out of shorts!) Together lil miss short shorts and Hawaiian shirt would almost make a Jessica Simpson during 'Dukes of Hazzards'.
Example Number Three:
Not so much a 'what on earth' but more of a wow. This cute little old lady is kitty corner to me. But I was slightly shocked with some of the items she brought with her. She has her US magazine to catch up on the gossip, her 'Harry Potter' trading cards inside a collectors 'Harry Potter' box and a really cute little purse. If it wouldn't be so obvious I would have taken a picture of her. She is wearing old lady purple pants with a striped matching top. White old lady shoes. Hair pulled up into a 'bun'. She looks like your typical grandma but apparently up on the latest celebrity gossip.
I am slightly bored on my lil trip so watching people helps pass the time some. That and my travel buddy....

He is just so cute and doing so well. Sleeping as I write.
I'm almost to my first destination! I will let you know of the great people on my next leg of the trip later.