Friday, December 12

Landlords Rock!!!

Seth had his surgery today. I guess he had a cyst that had to be removed in a pretty crappy area. Oh I just can't stop crackin' jokes about it. What a great wife I am. He loves me though! Anywho everything went really well. We got there about 7:45am and he didn't go in till like 10:15. Long wait before hand but we had great nurse's that helped the time pass. The procedure took about an hour. And after the recovery period and making sure he felt alright after the meds, we were leaving by 1:00pm. Seth is kind of sore but thanks to great pain meds he is doing pretty well! He also has a sore throat from having the anastasia. He is a tough cookie!

At first I thought I was going to have to sit alone the whole time. Its not that the surgery was major but it is still a surgery and I really wanted somebody to be there. That was my hubby in there! Well thanks to one of my ever so great land lords I wasn't alone. He came and sat with me right as Seth was going in. It was so nice having somebody there to keep me company. Thank you so muck Mark!!!
Once again a great benefit to communal living.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that Mark was there for you!!! If I was in town I totally would have spent sometime with you because i know how hard that can be!! I miss you guys!! we totally have to get together when I get back!!
