Tuesday, November 4

Crazieness and Pictures

So Sorry it has been FOREVER since I have blogged life has just been crazy busy.
For those of you that responded to my last blog of the picture of the boys Quilon was on the top and Ike was on the bottom. Good guess to some of you!
I have been working/training like mad lately for my part time job at the hospital. This is my last week thank goodness. So hopefully things will calm down some. We had doctors visits this week and Quilon is above the 95th percentile for his age. Which is really not a big surprise to us. He is our little beast!
We also had Trick-or-Treating last week. Ike got way to much candy but both the boys had a good time. We always drive to all our different friends houses and show them off, which they all enjoy or so I hope that they do, but no more of that. With the two now it is way to much work. Next year we are just going around the block and calling it quits.
We are getting ready for Ike's 3rd birthday party on Friday. Can you beleive that I have a three year old already?!?!? I can't at times. Life is going by so fast and that is why I am ready for the crazieness to end! Maybe then things will slow down. I doubt it though.

Here are some newer pictures........
My Lil Stinkers

My Bright Blue Eyed Man

Shaving w/daddy

Enjoying the last few beautiful days outside

Ike got a little confussed as to what the sled is really for.

Playing in the leaves together

Flying Baby


  1. This is soo crazy they have gotten so big... I guess that happens when you dont see them for a long time! They are so aodrable!!

  2. You have some handsome young men there! Loved those pictures!!

  3. I just want to know where the pictures of the kids and there God-Mother are???
