Tuesday, November 18


Christmas has come to our house!!! We started to decorate last weekend and I am so excited about it. I know that it may seem a tad bit early for some of you, which it is even for me, however I forgot to decorate for fall so I am just skipping over to what comes next.....CHRISTMAS!!!

I think that I really love decorating for Christmas because it used to be a huge thing for my family. At that time I hated it. And that's because my dad would go crazy with the lights every where. My poor sister and I had to spend what seemed like hours putting out the huge colored bulbs all over our yard with my dads help. On the trees, on the bushes, the little fence, the house and even off the stinking flag pole. I mean come on! No wonder why people would cut our lights....we were over the top (and not in a good way either). After the outside was done up we would start on our tree. I am not really sure if we had a real one or a fake one but we had colored bubbling lights on it. Every year we decorated the tree as a family. It was always loaded with the homemade Christmas ornaments and then the silk ribbon balls. And Mr. and Mrs. Clause sat below our tree. Oh how pretty it was, at least when I didn't know better.

Now that I have my own family, decorating for Christmas is such a joy. And this year it has been really great. Ike is able to help out a lot more than he was last year, and he loves it. Ike thinks that he is making Christmas when he decorates. He even gets his very own tree put up in his room. He is very proud of that tree. He is so sweet and cute.....to bad its not all the time :)


  1. I just want you to know that I have Mr. & Mrs. Clause now! Don't be jealous :-)

  2. We are putting our tree up this weekend!

  3. We still have the bubble lights and the tree will probably go up on firday. Tradition....I'm looking forward to Christmas especially since Ike is making it...
