Sunday, January 11

Bed oh Bed

I am not really sure what all to say right now. I am sitting here at work watching the minutes go by slower than ever. I have an hour and a half before I can go home. Tonight has just been really uneventful here at the hospital. Well I guess that is good thing.....I mean being in the hospital isn't a good thing unless your popin out a baby. And even in some cases that isn't all that great for people. But I have had nothing pages, no phone calls, no people!!! I am board to tears right now. Not that I want people to be sick or hurt, well I guess I kind of due then there might be some excitment for me. I am so looking forward to my bed!!!!

What else is new with me..............

Oh I hurt my back again. While I was preggo with Q my back went all crazy on me and I had to end up going to physical therapy where this lady laid hands on me to heal me. Well the other day I was carrying that 20lb baby of mine up stairs for his nap and BANG my back went all crazy on me again. This time the chiropractor is helping out lots. Well that and some serious pain meds. So I am looking forward to my bed because this chair isn't comffy like my bed is and it kind of hurts my back. But not my bed!!!

I don't think that there really is anything else going on with me right now. I am planing on going grocery shopping today. I haven't been in like over a month. I really wasn't home most of December to cook so I didn't need to go. But now that January is almost half over I figured it is about time to get some food for our house. Plus I haven't cooked lately and I kind of miss that.

Did I mention that I am looking forward to my bed.....bed oh bed where are you. Why am I not laying on you???

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