Wednesday, December 24
Christmas with Jesus
Tuesday, December 23
Crazy Times!!!
My Grandmother passed away on Thursday evening. She is celebrating Christmas with Jesus!!! I am ever so thankful that I got be with her for her last few moments. And very greatful that she got to see Quilon. That is what she wanted. I will miss her greatly.
I am in Michigan now. Got here on Monday...Wedding Time!!!! We hit the ground running and wont be stoping till who knows when. Reherseal was the evening we got in. Have done last minute wedding stuff yesterday and today. And more than likely tomorrow too.
Its Christmas Eve and we went to dad's church had a nice service. My Aunt Carol came into town tonight and after the church service we all went home and just hung out.
Life is just been so crazy busy. And after my sisters wedding I am going back down to Alabama to help clean out my Grandmothers apartment. Then when I get back to Minnesota I have a wedding to attend. Then we will have Seth's family Christmas.
Thursday, December 18
G-MA Update
My mom and I stayed back with Quilon so that he could sleep. Or that was our intentions. We left about a half hour later to go up to the hospital. We felt we needed to be there for our family and in case she went HOME.
My dad and aunt decided to take the C-Pap like machine off and just put her on plain oxygen mask. They want to make her as comfortable as possible.
The Doc doesnt think that there is anything else that can be done. He moved us out of the ICU onto the main floor.
We are trying to keep her as comfortable as possible......
Oh and Quilon is a champ! He has been sooo great. Slept most of the flights yesterday. Sleeping at the hospital and bring many smiles to the families waiting in the ICU waiting room. I am so proud of that lil man!
Flights Out
It was such a hard descion to make but we weren't going to regret it either way!
So on Wednesday morning at about 10:30am I booked a flight out of LaCrosse that was to take off at 12:45pm. I scrambled my stuff together as fast as I could. Quilons too!
I decided that Quilon really needed to go with me. My Grandmother had never seen him and was so looking forward to the my sisters wedding to she her newest great grand baby. I wanted her to be able to see him. So it was a must for me!!!
We got to the airport at 12:00pm by the help of my great sister-in-law Noelle. Once I got us all checked in I find out my flight to Minneapolis was going to be delayed about a half hour. Which then made my time between my connecting flight to Memphis go from an hour to a half an hour.
Well as soon as I landed at the Minneapolis airport I had to book it to my connecting flight. And let me just tell you that was a work out and more than likely a sight to see! I had Quilon in the Baby Bjorn, a diaper bag, and camera bag haulin my fanny to the other side of the airport as fast as I could. Which isn't fast....I'm not speedy! I am sure people were scared that I was either going to trip and fall hurting my lil man or that I might just have a heart attack. And boy did I feel like my heart was going to come thru my chest.
Needless to say I got to my connecting flight as soon as it was boarding!
Once in Tenessee I meet up with my Ma and Sister. What a relief that was for me! and Quilon too!! It was so great to see them now if only our flight could take off.
How is it that they(Northwest) can book a flight even over book it but forget to have a crew!!!! A little over an hour later we got our crew and boarded the plane. Well once aboard they(Northwest) would not close the door for about 15 minutes after everybody was on board. Makes you feel safe!!
We all finally made it Huntsville, AL. How great it was to see my daddy. We then drove the hour to Guntersville, AL where my Grandmother lives.
Once we got to town it was about 12:00am and went straight to the hospital to see Grandmother!
Dad, Quilon and I went straight back. I was so nervous to see her but once I got in there that mostly went away. My Grandmother was on a breathing machine that was very similar to a C-Pap machine only larger scale. Her mouth and nose are covered with this mask to help her breath. As soon as she saw Quilon she reached her arms up to touch him and was trying to kiss him thru her mask. It was so sweet and precious. My Grandmother was SOOOO happy to see her newest great grand baby.
That there is why I need to go. To let her have that joy of my sweet baby Quilon!!!
Tuesday, December 16
Pray Please!!!!
Pray that she will recover from this. Pray that we will get more time with her. Pray for my sister who is taking this the hardest.
Friday, December 12
Landlords Rock!!!
At first I thought I was going to have to sit alone the whole time. Its not that the surgery was major but it is still a surgery and I really wanted somebody to be there. That was my hubby in there! Well thanks to one of my ever so great land lords I wasn't alone. He came and sat with me right as Seth was going in. It was so nice having somebody there to keep me company. Thank you so muck Mark!!!
Once again a great benefit to communal living.
Thursday, December 11
The kids are gone butt.....
Friday, December 5
Sunday, November 30
Changes n' Cuteness
Didn't I learn from the 1st one!!!
For Thanksgiving we went to Seth's parents house to have dinner as a family. Gerry, Rosetta, Tim, Noelle, Lily, Seth, Ike, Quilon, and I were all there. With all of us around the table there was not really any room for Quilon to sit us (at home he does sit in a high chair so we can eat as a family). Gerry suggested that we just put Quilon in his car seat and set him on the bench next to the table. I said sure that might work, however he kicks lots now so he will more than likely fall off. Mind you the bench that he sat on also had a super thick cushion on it so Quilons car seat was not sitting stable in the first place. What was I thinking??? Did I forget what had happened to Ike when he was about the same age. (Ike was sitting in his bouncy seat on top of the kitchen table and kicked his way off the table.) Sure enough I look over and here Quilon is squirming his little way out of the seat and onto the floor. I freaked!! At least this time I was not frozen when I saw my child falling to the floor. But I was still not able to catch him and the poor little man hit his head/eye on the back of Gerry's chair. I felt so bad for the guy. Did I not learn anything from the first child I did this to. Hopefully if there ever is a third that I will NEVER put them anywhere high up to where they can fall off onto the floor!
Other than the excitement of Quilon falling we had a lovely Thanksgiving Dinner.
You can see his little markings above his right eye.....poor guy!
Tuesday, November 18
I think that I really love decorating for Christmas because it used to be a huge thing for my family. At that time I hated it. And that's because my dad would go crazy with the lights every where. My poor sister and I had to spend what seemed like hours putting out the huge colored bulbs all over our yard with my dads help. On the trees, on the bushes, the little fence, the house and even off the stinking flag pole. I mean come on! No wonder why people would cut our lights....we were over the top (and not in a good way either). After the outside was done up we would start on our tree. I am not really sure if we had a real one or a fake one but we had colored bubbling lights on it. Every year we decorated the tree as a family. It was always loaded with the homemade Christmas ornaments and then the silk ribbon balls. And Mr. and Mrs. Clause sat below our tree. Oh how pretty it was, at least when I didn't know better.
Now that I have my own family, decorating for Christmas is such a joy. And this year it has been really great. Ike is able to help out a lot more than he was last year, and he loves it. Ike thinks that he is making Christmas when he decorates. He even gets his very own tree put up in his room. He is very proud of that tree. He is so sweet and bad its not all the time :)
Saturday, November 15
Random babbles
Last night I worked the Switchboard of the hospital all by myself......AHHH! I was so nervous but I just prayed that God would help me thru it. And He sure did. It seemed that whenever I was getting sleepy He would send a person my way to chat with me so I would stay awake. I made sure to bring lots of different things to do; a book, magazines, Sudoku. It is rather quiet during the nights at the hospital. Or at least for me anyways, the ER is always loaded with drunks on the weekends. That does bring some entertainment at times.
I have been feeling kind of blah lately. I'm not really sure why. Maybe the weather maybe just because I have been thinking to much or maybe because I miss my best friend. Things have changed so much for us. I think that the biggest change for us is our friends or lack there of. We do have a few really true friends but the rest I can't say that about. It is ever so true that having kids will change EVERYTHING!! Understand I am ever so blessed to have my kids and would not change my situation for anything but things are hard at times. However lately I am feeling ignored and forgotten by those that claimed to be genuine friends. And yes I know that its not always fun to hang out with a family, but I am able (and need) to leave them at times for friendships. Maybe that isn't understood I dont' know. Then again maybe its not because we had kids that changed everything maybe there is something else going on that I am unaware of. Oh how I wish I knew. I am very thankful for the friends I do have, but I am greatly missing that close friend relationship I once had. Maybe I am just missing my sister, my best friend.
Monday, November 10
The Visitors and the COLD!
Me, Seth, Ike, Bobby, Mel, Quilon, Jill and Bobby
Saturday, November 8
Ike turned 3!!!
Tuesday, November 4
Crazieness and Pictures
For those of you that responded to my last blog of the picture of the boys Quilon was on the top and Ike was on the bottom. Good guess to some of you!
I have been working/training like mad lately for my part time job at the hospital. This is my last week thank goodness. So hopefully things will calm down some. We had doctors visits this week and Quilon is above the 95th percentile for his age. Which is really not a big surprise to us. He is our little beast!
We also had Trick-or-Treating last week. Ike got way to much candy but both the boys had a good time. We always drive to all our different friends houses and show them off, which they all enjoy or so I hope that they do, but no more of that. With the two now it is way to much work. Next year we are just going around the block and calling it quits.
We are getting ready for Ike's 3rd birthday party on Friday. Can you beleive that I have a three year old already?!?!? I can't at times. Life is going by so fast and that is why I am ready for the crazieness to end! Maybe then things will slow down. I doubt it though.
Here are some newer pictures........
Saturday, October 25
Who is Who????

Thursday, October 23
They Just Keep Growing
with the Twins.
Thursday, October 16
I Want My Family
Monday, October 13
I officially start on Wednesday. My supervisor is really great for letting me be very picky about when I can work. I am only able to go in whenever Seth will be home with the boys. We were going to send the kids to our old day care moms house, however she is pregnant and has been really sick. So she can't take my kids. But thankfully my boss is really flexible.
I hope that I will like my new very part time job. We will see come Wednesday!
The Great Pumpkin Patch
Tuesday, October 7
Weekend Away

Sunday, October 5

Tuesday, September 30
Monday, September 29
My Beautiful Boys!
There were so many good ones that it was hard to choose which to share with you all. Here are some of my favorites. The rest can be viewed here.
Sunday, September 28
The Weekend
Saturday my friend Andrea and I drove to Shaunberg, IL to meet up with my parents. My mom and dad are taking the boys for the whole week so Seth and I can have some time alone finally. I really enjoyed my trip with Andrea. She has just recently moved to Winona after she got married. It was great getting to know her more. And I hope to have many more times with her. She is a great girl!

Thursday, September 25
Following the Crowd
Thanks to my lovely parents I will be able to spend almost all of next week with just my hubby! Which is really needed. My parents are going to take both the boys on Saturday. We are going to meet just outside of Chicago. I must say I am really excited yet very scared as well. I have never let Quilon go for that many days, he is only 3 months old. But I know that this time alone with Seth will be really good for us. So if anybody wants to ride out to Chicago on Saturday with me that would be really great!!!